Free download Journal of African History

Revista Journal of African History, está comemorando o 50º aniversário com acesso livre a 50 textos. Baixe o acervo em PDF. 

Dear Colleague,

Since it was first published in 1960, <>The Journal of African History has been the central forum for historical scholarship on Africa. In celebration of these five decades, the current editors have selected 50 articles which give a sense of how work published in JAH has shaped the development of the field. These are not necessarily the 50 best, or even the 50 most-cited, articles, but we have chosen them in the belief that they give an indication of how the writing of African history has changed over these years, and of how JAH has always played a major role in that change. Any such list can be contentious; but we offer it with the intention of celebrating the growth and breadth of the field.

In that spirit, we would also like to give thanks, and tribute, to the hundreds of other authors whose names are not listed in this selection, but whose work has appeared in JAH. The dedicated work of all these scholars has ensured that African history, which many considered a marginal field when JAH began, is now one of the most vibrant and well-regarded areas of historical scholarship. We would also like to thank Cambridge University Press for their continued support to the field.